The clear tote bag is a time-saving helper to quickly pass the security inspection, and can be used for many occasions such as stadium, concert, school, work and so on. Completely transparent all around, including back and bottom—great for seeing inside and quickly finding what you need. It is made of waterproof PVC and thick enough to feel strong and durable. The strong plastic arc handles and adjustable shoulder strap can allow you comfortably carry a heavy load. All seams are reinforced with nylon thread which makes them avoid tearing and hold heavy loads safely. The large transparent tote makes it easy to see what’s inside and lets you quickly find what you want. Versatile and roomy tote bag has ample space to stash all your essentials. such as phone, sunscreen, a water bottle, wallet, keys, snacks, sunglasses, and more, all at once. Price including logo and freight